Easy Read
Our Easy Read Service
User Guide
This guide is to tell you about Positive Support for You
If you have any questions you can talk to:
Your support workers
The person who manages your support
Someone at the Positive Support for You office
Your social worker or care manager
A friend or family member
Someone else involved in your life
About Positive Support For You
• We provide support for people with disabilities.
• We can help you to look after yourself.
• We can give extra help if you need it.
• We will support you to live the life you choose.
• It is important to us that you have the best support possible.
Ways we can help
• Work with you to find out what you need.
• Work towards things you want to do in your life
• Arrange staff members you would like.
• Do things you like to do.
• Help you to meet new people
• Try new things.
• Help you to manage things that you find difficult
This Could be:
Taking your medication
Going to the doctors
Going to the hospital
Going to college
Finding work
Doing social activities
Playing Sport
Planning and making meals
Your Support
We will work with you to make plans. These plans will tell staff all about you.
It will show:
• What you like to do in the daytime
• What you like to do on an evening
• What you like to do at the weekend
• What you want to work towards doing
• What help you need to do the things you do
• Things you like
• Things you don’t like
• What help you need to look after yourself
• Help you cope in situations you find difficult.
Supported Living
REACH standards help us to support people in their own homes. They make sure we provide you with the right support. They say:
1) You choose who you live with
2) You choose where you live
3) You have your own home
4) You choose how you are supported
5) You choose who supports you
6) You will get good support
7) You choose your friendships and relationships
8) You choose how to be healthy and safe
9) You choose how to take part in your community
10) You have the same rights and responsibilities as other citizens
11) You get help to make changes in your life
Your Safety
We will make sure you are kept and know what to do if you feel you have any problems. Abuse is when someone hurts you or treats you badly.
You may know the person who is treating you badly or they could be a stranger.
It is important to talk to someone about it.
This could be:
Family member
Social Worker
There are places where you can go if you need help when you are out of your home. This is called the Safe Place Scheme. You will be given a list of places in your area.
We write plans to make sure everyone is safe.
You will be involved in this to make sure we meet your needs.
These are not meant to stop you doing things you want to do.
Your Privacy
The things we know about you are private. We will only share things with other people when they need to know.
This may be so you get the help you need
This may be to keep you safe.
Compliments and Complaints
We have an easy read guide for compliments and complaints. You can speak to any staff member or a Manager at any time you want.
You can contact Catriona Macdonald (Director of Operations) or Dave Barras (Chief Executive) on 01642 787547
If you wish we can ask an independent advocate to be involved. Advocates are independent and help you say what you want to secure your rights.
Your Staff
We employ staff in different jobs to meet your needs;
Support Workers
Team Leaders
Supported Living Coordinators
Registered Managers (senior managers)
Director of Operations
Chief Executive (who leads the company)
Dave Barras
Chief Executive
Catriona Macdonald
Director of Operations
Tia Oliver, Cheryl Carpenter and Sue Paton are Senior Managers.
· All staff have been trained
· All staff have had police checks
If you want to know more about Positive Support for You
You can ask your Social Worker.
You can ask a member of Positive Support for You staff.
Our contact details:
Positive Support for You
Tel: 01642 787547
Or you could visit our website